13 First steps after installing ubuntu
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By Tibutabu
#1 - Add medibuntu repositorium:
Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
#2 - Updating Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update (downloads list of updates)
sudo apt-get upgrade (downloads & installs updates)
#3 - Make it so that bootloader won't wait 3 seconds:
- command in the terminal:
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
- change to timeout:0 and save
ps. You can still get to grub menu by pressing esc repeatedly
#4 - Installing the Tahoma font (enter the following commands copy&paste line by line):
cd ~
wget http://www.stchman.com/tools/MS_fonts/tahoma.zip
sudo unzip -d /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts ~/tahoma.zip
sudo fc-cache -f -v
rm -f ~/tahoma.zip
#5 - Install useful packs in synaptic (or in the terminal: sudo apt-get install package name)
- codecs:
w32codecs (for 64 bit sytems w64codecs)
- windows fonts: msttcorefonts
- MSN clients: empathy, pidgin, emesene, amsn
- Skype: skype-static-oss
- flash: flashplugin-nonfree
- java: sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin
- Best movie player: mplayer (or smplayer)
- VLC media player (supposed to run HD videos better than mplayer?): vlc
- realplayer: realplayer
- ftp-client: filezilla
- For unpacking files: rar, unrar and p7zip-full
- If using an ipod: gtkipod and ipodslave
- for running windows programs: wine
(check out what you can run first: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&sTitle=Browse%20Applications&sOrderBy=appName&bAscending=true)
*- SMS support for skype:
a) Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/skype4py/files/ and download Skype4Py-
b) Right click and "extract here"
c) In the terminal go to the opened package and write sudo python setup.py install
d) Download http://www.kolmann.at/philipp/linux/skysentials/skysentials-1.0.1.tar.gz
e) Right click and "extract here"
f) Run Skype
g) in the terminal go to where you installed skysentials and run program
#6 - Gnome fonts smaller and more windows like
1) Start menu: Computer -> Preferences -> Appearence -> Fonts: Sizes 8,5 for everything and for font Tahoma
2) Computer -> Preferences-> Qt 4 Settings -> GUI style: "Plastique" jand Fonts: Tahoma and size 8
3) Icons smaller: Start menu -> Locations -> Home Catalog -> menu redactor -> preferences -> change sizes to 66%, 66% and 50%
#7 - Website fonts (Firefox): Tools -> Options -> Content -> (Fonts & Colors):
Default font: times new roman 16
Proportional: serif 16
Serif: times new roman
Sans-serif: arial
Monospace: courier new 13
Minimum font size: none
#8 - Picasa photoalbum: http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/pool/non-free/p/picasa/picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb (download and run)
(#9) - Best CD-DVD burner K3b install (if Brasero isn't enough) - also the easiest CD ripper
sudo apt-get install k3b language-pack-kde-et-base language-pack-kde-et lame
sudo chown sinukasutajanimi ~/.kde -R
For ripping mp3's: K3b -> configurations-> K3b configurations -> Plugins -> K3b External Audio Encoder -> configure -> Mp3 (Lame) -> change-> change line copy&paste:
lame -h --preset extreme --add-id3v2 --tt %t --ta %a --tl %m --ty %y
--tc %c --tn %n - %f
(#10) - Removing openoffice red lines from under the text (shuts spellcheck off):
Tools -> Preferences -> language preferences -> Typing tools-> uncheck "Spellcheck while writing" and "Grammar check while writing"
If need arises you can just manually use it by pressing F7
#11 - Faster UBUNTU:
1) Removing unnecessary services
sudo apt-get install sysvconfig (downloads & installs sysvconfig)
sudo sysvconfig (runs it)
ChooseEnable/Disable (press Enter) And remove/Choose with space the services:
apmd -only for laptops and/or using UPS
apport - Notifies you of errors
(avahi-daemon - remove if you're not using a printer, scanner etc.
bluetooth - Delete if you're not gonna use bluetooth
brltty - remove, necessary for handicaped
cups - Necessary for printing
dns-clean - remove (only for dial-up connections)
hotkey setup - laptop keys (sound, brightness) - remove if you're not using a laptop
laptop-mode - for laptops
pcmciautils - for laptops
ppp-dns - remove (necessary for old ADSL modems)
readahead - remove
readahead-desktop - remove
rsync - remove
samba - necessary for windows LAN
saned - For scanners
ssh - If you want to remotely access ubuntu
windbind - necessary for samba
wpa-ifupdown - necessary for wifi
...dont touch anything else
- pick "OK" (press tab) -> "Finished" -> "Quit"
2) Remoce unecessary GNOME services
Start menu -> Computer-> Preferences -> Startup Applications:
Bluetoothi manager - if using bluetooth
Remote desktop - if you want to remotely access you computer
Print queve applet - For printers
Update notifier - notifies of updates (you can take it off and enter sudo apt-get update ja sudo apt-get upgrade once a week)
Visual aid - for handicaps
3)Remove effects:
Start menu -> Computer -> preferences -> appearance -> Visual Effects -> None
4) If that's not enough then: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189192
#12 - Remove annoying "beep-sound"
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
And add the line:
blacklist pcspkr
& save. Will go into effect after restart
*Ubuntu startup sound off:
Start menu -computer- preferences - sound - top "sounds" - uncheck
#13 - Connecting with Wifi (Startup) always asks for "Keyring"-password?
rm $HOME/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring
Next time it asks for a new password leave everything empty and press ok
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