Sunday, November 21, 2010

Top things to do after installing Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

The final release of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat will be out this week, after you install or upgrade to this new release you will need to customize your ubuntu by installing all needed software, tools, games and repositories inubuntulogo1 your system, you can also update the look to your choice by adding Cairo dock menu, Go-menu, or AWN, or to change the window buttons from the left to the right for example.

If you are running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx and you want to upgrade, please follow the instructions in this post to upgrade from Lucid to Maverick Meerkat. : How to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat from ubuntu 10.04 lucid, karmic| Desktop & Server

First thing, if you have issue with sound in maverick see our post: how to resolve nosound problem in ubuntu , i confronted this issue when i first installed lucid in my Laptop, the solution you can find it in this post.

Bisigi Themes

If you don`t like the actual theme of Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat, maybe the First thing you can do is to change this one to another you like. There is a nice collection of themes from Bisigi Project that you can try and sure you will like them( See the complete collection).

These themes can be installed by adding besigi project repository, Open terminal and copy the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bisigi/ppa

sudo apt-get update

To install the complete collection type :

sudo apt-get install bisigi-themes

If you want to try them one by one please refer to this post for more details.

Note: For ubuntu 10.10 RC may not work you have to try the testing ppa for maverick instead:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bisigi/dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bisigi-themes


Compiz is one of the first compositing window managers for the X Window System that is able to take advantage of OpenGL-acceleration. The integration allows it to perform compositing effects in window management, such as a minimization effect and a cube workspace.

Find more informations about Compiz in this post


Ubuntu Tweak is a must have application for Ubuntu and LinuxMint, it is an application to config Ubuntu easier for everyone. It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn't provide.

Using Ubuntu Tweak you can install all needed applications with a simple click, you can change the window buttons from Left to right...etc.

* Install Ubuntu Tweak in Ubuntu via repository:

Open terminal and enter the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Most of the applications listed in this post, can be installed from Ubutu Tweak Center.

If you want to learn how to use Ubuntu Tweak read our previous post

Add Medibuntu repositories

Medibuntu is a packaging project dedicated to distributing software that cannot be included in Ubuntu for various reasons, related to geographical variations in legislation regarding intellectual property, security and other issues. by adding Medibuntu repostories you will be able to install many softwares like Google-Earth , opera ,Win32codecs , Msfonts and more by the normal command :

sudo apt-get install

Medibuntu is available now for Maverick Meerkat

Click here and Follow the steps to add medibuntu repostories to ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat in my previous post.

Sharing folders in Maverick Meerkat

In order to share folders in Maverick Meerkat with other Linux and windows machines in your network, you will need to install and configure samba share, for instructions how to configure samba in Ubuntu see this Post

Installing samba :

sudo apt-get install samba

or click here

Windows emulators : PlayOnLinux

PlayOnLinux is a piece of sofware which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and softwares designed to run with Microsoft®'s Windows®.
You can install many windows games like callofduty, doom ,.... Msfonts ,Itune ,Microsoft office 2007 (see our howto install MS office 2007 in Ubuntu using playonlinux )

You can install playonlinux from Ubuntu software center, by using the command :

sudo apt-get install playonlinux

Or Click this link to install :

Enchance launch-bar menu in Maverick Meerkat

with cairo-dock, Docky


Cairo-Dock is an animated application launch bar for the desktop, comparable to the dock in Mac OS X or Rocket Dock (for Windows). It is compatible with Compiz, but it can also run without a composite manager . Cairo-Dock can run under GNOME, KDE and XFCE.

Open the terminal and copy and past the command bellow :

sudo -v
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main ## Cairo-Dock-PPA-Stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E80D6BF5

Update the installation :

sudo apt-get update

Now install cairo-dock :

sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins

* Docky : Some of Docky's amazing features include themes, plugins, 4 different hiding modes, advanced indicators, zeitgeist integration, and window management.Docky is an advanced shortcut bar that sits at the bottom, top, and/or sides of your screen. It provides easy access to some of the files, folders, and applications on your computer, displays which applications are currently running, holds windows in their minimized state, and more.

Installation of Docky

First add repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/ppa

Now update source and install docky

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install docky

Add screenlets to your Desktop

Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications that can be described as "the virtual representation of things lying/standing around on your desk". Sticknotes, clocks, rulers, ... the possibilities are endless. The goal of the Screenlets base-classes is to simplify the creation of fully themeable mini-apps that each solve basic desktop-work-related needs and generally improve the usability and eye-candy of the modern composited Linux-desktop.

sudo apt-get install screenlets

Or install by clicking


Ubuntu Gaming made easy with PlayDeb

If you are a fun of gaming so is important to add Playdeb repositories to your Lucid Lynx. Playdeb is a gaming repository for Ubuntu - aimed to provide titles already available on in an easier to install and update format. You can install many games by a simple click.

Please see how to add repository in this link : Ubuntu Gaming made easy with PlayDeb


My Favorite media player are VLC media player and banshee:

VLC is the best media player for Linux it play almost everything , he has many features that you can not find in any other media player , read this post to know more about vlc : Things you didn’t know VLC media player can do

Install VLC media player :

sudo apt-get install vlc

or click the image to install vlc :

- The second media player i like is Banshee,

You can install banshee by clicking this link or from the command line :

sudo apt-get install banshee

If you like banshee you will like also to add some useful extensions like :


banshee-extension-ubuntu one music store : This extension makes the Ubuntu one Music Store available in banshee.

sudo apt-get install banshee-extension-ubuntuonemusicstore

or click this image to install

For more extensions for Banshee open Ubuntu software center and type Banshee then you will got Banshee and a list of extensions:

Playing encrypted DVDs

To play encrypted DVDs, the libdvdcss2 package is essential. libdvdcss is a simple library designed for accessing DVDs like a block device without having to bother about the decryption.

If you already added Medibuntu repositories above manualy of via start script you will be able to install them using the command :

sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2

Media centers
1-Moovida Media center

Moovida is much more than a simple media player... it is a cutting edge media center bringing the best of the internet to your TV screen. Automatically creating your own digital library you can browse from your sofa with a remote control. The elegant and easy to use interface automatically displays artwork and fan art throughtout and gives you access to movie synopsis and artist info.

Install Moovida from by clicking here, or using the command :

sudo apt-get install moovida


XBMC is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. XBMC is available for Linux, OSX, Windows, and the original Xbox.

While XBMC functions very well as a standard media player application for your computer, it has been designed to be the perfect companion for your HTPC. Supporting an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, XBMC feels very natural to use from the couch and is the ideal solution for your home theater.

Installation in Ubuntu 10.10 maverick Meerkat:

Open terminal and copy the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc

Video editors: Openshot

Pitivi Video editor is now included in ubuntu 10.04, but my favorite Video editor is Openshot for the moment i find it as one of the best existing actually for Linux. Openshot now is included in Ubuntu repositories, so you can install it by clicking here or by typing the command:

sudo apt-get install openshot

Or Click link bellow to install :

OpenShot 1.2 Highlights from Jonathan Thomas on Vimeo.

Backup tools : Deja Dup

Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of doing backups the 'right way' (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend.

Deja Dup features :

• Support for local or remote backup locations, including Amazon S3
• Securely encrypts and compresses your data
• Incrementally backs up, letting you restore from any particular backup
• Schedules regular backups
• Integrates well into your GNOME desktop

sudo apt-get install deja-dup

Or Click link bellow to install :

Bitorrent client
1- Deluge

The Deluge application was designed to be a full-featured BitTorrent client. Deluge uses libtorrent in it's backend and PyGTK for it's user interface, and is currently usable on POSIX-compliant operating systems. It is intended to bring a native, full-featured client to GTK desktop environments such as GNOME and Xfce. An official Windows port is also available.


Open terminal and type the follwing commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install deluge

2- Vuze

Vuze is a bitorrent client that is used to download and share files using the p2p network.

sudo apt-get install vuze

Or install by clicking here

Filezilla the best ftp client for linux

Filezilla is the best ftp client for Linux

Install via command line :

sudo apt-get install filezilla

Or by clicking here

Communication : Instant messengers

- Pidgin the best messenger client and 30 plugins, you can enjoy chat with freinds using voice and cam.

sudo apt-get install pidgin

Or by clicking this link

- aMSN is a free windows Live Messenger clone. aMSN attempts to emulate the look and feel of Windows Live Messenger, and supports many of its features.

aMSN has features not present in Windows Live Messenger. Users can set alarms, are able to see others who have removed them from their contact list, and are able to open many profiles at once. It is also very customizable, with extensions and themes available at the main site.

sudo apt-get install amsn

Or Click here to install


Since Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx), Skype is part of the Canonical partner repository. To install Skype add the Canonical Partner Repository and install Skype via the Software-Center or via the Terminal.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype

Flash plugin for 32 and 64 bit

- For Ubuntu 32 bit : To be able to watch videos and see flash website in your firefox you need to install flash plugin, ubuntu software center and search word "flash"

- For Ubuntu 64 bit:

To install native flash for Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, open terminal and type the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer

Other must have Internet applications:

* Opera : The fastest browser on Earth is even faster. But that is not all. Use Opera Turbo to double your page-download speed on slow connections.

* Google Chrome- web Browser from Google

* Thunderbird – email and news client from Mozilla

* Google Earth- Travel to cities across the globe, dive into the depths of the ocean, explore remote islands, and even fly to faraway galaxies

* Dropbox - Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync, and, share files online.
* LibreOffice- LibreOffice is a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites, and available on a variety of platforms. It is free software and therefore free to download, use and distribute (Not adviced yet for productive machines).

Last application to install !!!???

If you have a Tip, tutorial, Idea or anything you want to share with unixmen readers, you can send it to : tips[a] or use our contact form Thanks.

13 First steps after installing ubuntu

13 First steps after installing ubuntu
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By Tibutabu

#1 - Add medibuntu repositorium:

Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

#2 - Updating Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update (downloads list of updates)
sudo apt-get upgrade (downloads & installs updates)

#3 - Make it so that bootloader won't wait 3 seconds:
- command in the terminal:
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
- change to timeout:0 and save
ps. You can still get to grub menu by pressing esc repeatedly

#4 - Installing the Tahoma font (enter the following commands copy&paste line by line):

cd ~
sudo unzip -d /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts ~/
sudo fc-cache -f -v
rm -f ~/

#5 - Install useful packs in synaptic (or in the terminal: sudo apt-get install package name)

- codecs:
w32codecs (for 64 bit sytems w64codecs)


- windows fonts: msttcorefonts
- MSN clients: empathy, pidgin, emesene, amsn
- Skype: skype-static-oss
- flash: flashplugin-nonfree
- java: sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin
- Best movie player: mplayer (or smplayer)
- VLC media player (supposed to run HD videos better than mplayer?): vlc
- realplayer: realplayer
- ftp-client: filezilla
- For unpacking files: rar, unrar and p7zip-full
- If using an ipod: gtkipod and ipodslave
- for running windows programs: wine
(check out what you can run first:

*- SMS support for skype:
a) Go to and download Skype4Py-
b) Right click and "extract here"
c) In the terminal go to the opened package and write sudo python install
d) Download
e) Right click and "extract here"
f) Run Skype
g) in the terminal go to where you installed skysentials and run program

#6 - Gnome fonts smaller and more windows like
1) Start menu: Computer -> Preferences -> Appearence -> Fonts: Sizes 8,5 for everything and for font Tahoma
2) Computer -> Preferences-> Qt 4 Settings -> GUI style: "Plastique" jand Fonts: Tahoma and size 8
3) Icons smaller: Start menu -> Locations -> Home Catalog -> menu redactor -> preferences -> change sizes to 66%, 66% and 50%

#7 - Website fonts (Firefox): Tools -> Options -> Content -> (Fonts & Colors):
Default font: times new roman 16
Proportional: serif 16
Serif: times new roman
Sans-serif: arial
Monospace: courier new 13
Minimum font size: none

#8 - Picasa photoalbum: (download and run)

(#9) - Best CD-DVD burner K3b install (if Brasero isn't enough) - also the easiest CD ripper
sudo apt-get install k3b language-pack-kde-et-base language-pack-kde-et lame
sudo chown sinukasutajanimi ~/.kde -R
For ripping mp3's: K3b -> configurations-> K3b configurations -> Plugins -> K3b External Audio Encoder -> configure -> Mp3 (Lame) -> change-> change line copy&paste:
lame -h --preset extreme --add-id3v2 --tt %t --ta %a --tl %m --ty %y
--tc %c --tn %n - %f

(#10) - Removing openoffice red lines from under the text (shuts spellcheck off):
Tools -> Preferences -> language preferences -> Typing tools-> uncheck "Spellcheck while writing" and "Grammar check while writing"
If need arises you can just manually use it by pressing F7

#11 - Faster UBUNTU:

1) Removing unnecessary services
sudo apt-get install sysvconfig (downloads & installs sysvconfig)
sudo sysvconfig (runs it)

ChooseEnable/Disable (press Enter) And remove/Choose with space the services:
apmd -only for laptops and/or using UPS
apport - Notifies you of errors
(avahi-daemon - remove if you're not using a printer, scanner etc.
bluetooth - Delete if you're not gonna use bluetooth
brltty - remove, necessary for handicaped
cups - Necessary for printing
dns-clean - remove (only for dial-up connections)
hotkey setup - laptop keys (sound, brightness) - remove if you're not using a laptop
laptop-mode - for laptops
pcmciautils - for laptops
ppp-dns - remove (necessary for old ADSL modems)
readahead - remove
readahead-desktop - remove
rsync - remove
samba - necessary for windows LAN
saned - For scanners
ssh - If you want to remotely access ubuntu
windbind - necessary for samba
wpa-ifupdown - necessary for wifi
...dont touch anything else
- pick "OK" (press tab) -> "Finished" -> "Quit"

2) Remoce unecessary GNOME services
Start menu -> Computer-> Preferences -> Startup Applications:

Bluetoothi manager - if using bluetooth
Remote desktop - if you want to remotely access you computer
Print queve applet - For printers
Update notifier - notifies of updates (you can take it off and enter sudo apt-get update ja sudo apt-get upgrade once a week)
Visual aid - for handicaps

3)Remove effects:
Start menu -> Computer -> preferences -> appearance -> Visual Effects -> None

4) If that's not enough then:

#12 - Remove annoying "beep-sound"
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
And add the line:
blacklist pcspkr
& save. Will go into effect after restart

*Ubuntu startup sound off:
Start menu -computer- preferences - sound - top "sounds" - uncheck

#13 - Connecting with Wifi (Startup) always asks for "Keyring"-password?
rm $HOME/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring
Next time it asks for a new password leave everything empty and press ok

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Setting up an Internet Kiosk With Opera and Ubuntu

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o Computing
+ Setting up an Internet Kiosk With Opera and Ubuntu

At work we have a few machines set up in the cafe for casual Internet usage. They really do need to be used for the Internet only so we wanted to set them up in ‘kiosk mode’.

I had done this before on a Mac using Saft for Safari, but the machines I had available for this project were PCs.

It turns out that making a Windows based kiosk (without buying specialist software) is quite hard as it’s difficult or impossible to disable all of the shortcuts that will drop a user out into the main operating system.

The best solution I could come up with was to use the Opera browser along with Ubuntu Linux, here’s how I did it.
Installing Ubuntu

1. First install Ubuntu. This is as easy as downloading and burning an ISO from the Ubuntu website and then booting the computer from the CD that you’ve created.
2. During the installation you will be asked to create a user; I called mine ‘administrator’. This is the default privileged user on the system so make the password secure!
3. When the installation is complete, log in as your administrator user and set up the networking however you like.
4. Install any pending updates.

Open a terminal and get the software lists up to date:
sudo apt-get update

Install any additional bits of software that you might need on the machines, e.g.:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server vim

Creating the Kiosk Account

Now you can create the student account (or whatever you want to call it) that your kiosk will run under.

1. Load up System → Administration → Users and Groups and add a new user called ‘student’.
2. From the drop down profile list choose ‘unprivileged’.
3. In the privileges tab tick ‘connect to wireless and ethernet networks’ and ‘use audio devices’, those should be the only two things ticked.

Setting up the System

1. To make the student user log in automatically choose that option in System → Administration → Login Screen.
2. Go to with Firefox (which should be installed by default) and download Opera. It should be a .deb file which you can then open with the package manager and install.
3. Download the Adobe Flash plugin from the Adobe website and install that, again this will be a .deb file.
4. For Java open up Ubuntu’s software manager and search for ‘Sun Java 6.0 Plugin’, you can then install that from inside the package manager itself.

Note that you can’t currently install Adobe Shockwave or Microsoft Silverlight in Opera on Ubuntu so your kiosk users will just have to do without those!
Auto Boot

If you want to boot the machine automatically on a schedule this will need to be done in the BIOS, it is not a Linux thing! Older BIOSs may not have options for scheduled boots but newer ones should.

If you don’t have the option you may also be able to plug the machine into a timer plug and set the BIOS to wake after a power cut which will achieve the same thing.
Auto Shut Down

Shutting down automatically is possible by using a cron job:


Add the following line to /etc/crontab:

30 22 * * * /root/

The 30 22 there is equivalent to 22:30 i.e. 10.30pm, so adjust to whatever time you want.

Create the file /root/ which should contain the following:

shutdown -h now


Make sure the file is executable:
chmod 755

Setting Up the Student User’s Environment

1. Log out and log back in as the student user.

Set up the power options by opening System → Preferences → Power Management.

Set the system sleep time to never and turn off the screen after an hour, spin down hard drives when possible. In the power button options make it shut down when the power button is pressed.
3. Turn off the screen saver.

Open up the keyboard shortcuts in System → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts and set all of the options to disabled.

The only one that you might want to enable is ‘hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop’ as an emergency get out of Opera combination, but if you do so set it to something obscure to stop anyone finding it out (like shift-ctrl-windows-alt-0 or something).
5. If you’re letting people use sound then you may want to open up the volume properties and set it to something comfortable since the user won’t have access to it beyond the Flash controls on Youtube etc.

Setting Up Opera

1. If you have run Opera previously then clear out all the preferences by deleting ~/.opera.

Open up Opera and set up the environment how you would like it. For me this included:
* Set the home page URL and tick to start with the home page
* Turn off the password manager completely.
* Disable notification sounds.
* Set the cache to empty on program exit (technically redundant).
* Set the proxy address.
* Open opera:config and set the ‘Go Home Time Out’ to 600 (10 minutes). This is the length of idle time before open tabs are closed and the home page is displayed.
* Show the ‘Main Bar’ tool bar and remove any buttons you don’t want such as Open and Save.
* Set the History to 0 pages.
* Disable mouse gestures.
* Open the side bar and remove any panels that you don’t want such as widgets and bookmarks.
3. Close Opera.

~/.opera now contains the preferences that you have just set up. We will copy these preferences to a control folder:
cp -rf ~/.opera ~/.opera_control

Each time Opera launches, these control preferences will be copied over any existing preferences via the script below. This will ensure that there’s always a clean environment on every boot.

Opera Launcher Script

The last thing to do is to make a script to launch Opera called which should contain the following:

rm -rf ~/.opera
cp -rf ./.opera_control ./.opera

opera --kioskmode --kioskwindows --kioskbuttons --kioskresetstation --nomail --nomaillinks --nosave --nodownload --resetonexit --noexit --nocontextmenu --nomenu --noprint --nokeys

All the flags that are used there are described on this page, you can pick whichever ones you want.

Finally set the script as a startup item by going into System → Preferences → Startup Applications
Opera Command Line Arguments

These are the ones that I used:

start in kiosk mode
allow tabs in kiosk mode
allow address bar and buttons in kiosk mode
go back to home page on idle time out
no built in mail/nntp client
no clicking of mailto: links
no saving files
no downloading files
clear cache on exit (technically redundant)
no quitting the application
disable right click
no access to main menu
no printing
disable all shortcuts


You can test your setup by re-booting the machine. It should start up, automatically log in the student user and then automatically launch Opera in kiosk mode.

You should not be able to press any key combination to get out of Opera to the desktop other than the one mentioned at the start.

Note that you can still get to a terminal with ctrl-alt-Fx but the user would not be able to log in and would just be looking at a prompt.

Friday, September 3, 2010

oCS Inventory

OCS Inventory NG Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of computer configuration and software installed on the network. It also allows deploying softwares, commands or files on Windows and Linux client computers.

Dialog between client computers and management server is based on actual standards, HTTP/HTTPS protocols and XML data


Management server runs on Apache/MySQL/PHP/PERL server, under Linux or Windows NT based computers.

Inventoried client computers can run

Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003,
Mac OS X,
Sun Solaris,
and IBM AIX.

Installing OCS Inventory NG Server in Debian

Before installing OCS Inventory NG you need to install the following debian packages

Installing apache2 with php support

Check here for apache2 with php support

Installing Mysql with php support

#apt-get install mysql-server-4.1 php4-mysql

Other packages need to install

#apt-get install make gcc g++

#apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 php4-gd libxml-simple-perl libcompress-zlib-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libapache-dbi-perl php4-pear php4-dev libnet-ip-perl

after installing this you need to restart your apache2 webserver using the following command

#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now you need to download the OCS Inventory NG source code from the above download link once you download .tar.gz file you

need to extract this file using the following command

#tar xzvf OCSNG_LINUX_SERVER_1.0RC3-1.tar.gz


Now you need to run the setup script using the following command


This will start OCS Inventory NG installation in this process it will prompt for the following questions

do you want to continue select option y and press enter

where is your database server located enter localhost

Enter the Database port leave default option and press enter

where is your apache server binary is located leave default option and press enter

Enter the apache configuration file location leave default option and press enter

which user account is running apache server leave default option and press enter

you want to setup communication server on this computer enter y

selecting apache mod_perl version you are using now you leave default option and press enter

enter where you want to enter the log file location leave default option and press enter

setup administration server select y and press enter

Apache root document directory leave default option and press enter

This will complete the ocs inventory NG application with the following message

Configuring OCS Inventory NG you need to point your browser to http://your-server-ip/ocsreports/ this will open the following screen in this you need to enter the mysql database username,password,hostname and click on send

Now you should see the following screen here you click on Submit Query

This will give you a message saying installation completed and you can login using admin as username/password and now you click on “click here to enter OCS-NG GUI”

Now you should see the OCS-NG login screen and enter using the above username and password

Once you logon you should see the following screen

Once your OCS-NG Server installation completed you need to install OCS-NG clients in windows and linux machines

Install OCS Inventory NG Clients for Linux and windows

Now you need to install OCS Inventory NG Client software for this you can download this from here

For windows and linux clients we have different client packages to use you can choose which one is suitable for you.

OCS Inventory NG Supported clients

Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003,
Mac OS X,
Sun Solaris,
and IBM AIX.

I am installing client for debian machine here first you need to download client


#tar xzvf OCSNG_LINUX_AGENT_1.0RC3-1.tar.gz


Now you need to run the setup script using the following command


This will start client setup and it will ask the following questions

which method will you use to generate the inventory([http/local]:http

which host is running OCS Inventory NG Communication Server []:Enter your server ipaddress

On which port is running OCS Inventory NG Communication Server [80] ?80

Would you like to enable Auto Update of Agent ([y]/n) ?y

What is the value of TAG ([]) ?
dmidecode binaries not found !
Setup is able to install dmidecode version 2.8.
Do you wish setup to install dmidecode ([y]/n) ?y

PERL module Net::SSLeay is not installed !
Setup is able to install PERL module Net::SSLeay version 1.25.
Do you wish setup to install this module ([y]/n) ?y

This will complete the client installation and i have installed one more client for my windows xp machine also.I have waited for some time and after finishing the initial inventory you should see the following screen

Finally i was very impressed with this software and if you use this with a asset management software such as GLPI, you will have a powerfull inventory and asset management software with automatic updates of computer configuration, license management, help desk and more. If you want to install GLPI you click here for detailed installation process.

If you want to know more about OCS Inventory NG and documentation check here

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hosting multiple websites with Apache2

There are many different ways you can configure Apache to host multiple sites, ranging from the simple to the complex. Here we're only going to cover the basics with the use of the NameVirtualHost directive. The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to hard-wire any IP addresses, and it will just worktm. The only thing you need is for your domain names to resolve to the IP address of your webserver.

For example if you have an Apache server running upon the IP address and you wish to host the three sites,, and you'll need to make sure that these names resolve to the IP address of your server.

(This might mean that you need and to resolve to the same address. However that is a choice you'll need to make for yourself).

Since we'll be hosting multiple websites on the same host it makes a lot of sense to be very clear on the location of each sites files upon the filesystem. The way I suggest you manage this is to create a completely seperate document root, cgi-bin directory, and logfile directory for each host. You can place these beneath the standard Debian prefix of /var/www or you may use a completely different root - I use /home/www.

If you've not already done create the directories to contain your content, etc, as follows:

root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www

root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/

root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/

root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/
root@irony:~# mkdir /home/www/

Here we've setup three different directory trees, one for each site. If you wanted to have identical content it might make sense to only create one, and then use symbolic links instead.

The next thing to do is to enable virtual hosts in your Apache configuration. The simplest way to do this is to create a file called /etc/apache2/conf.d/virtual.conf and include the following content in it:

# We're running multiple virtual hosts.
NameVirtualHost *

(When Apache starts up it reads the contents of all files included in /etc/apache2/conf.d, and files you create here won't get trashed on package upgrades.)

Once we've done this we can create the individual host configuration files. The Apache2 setup you'll find on Debian GNU/Linux includes two directories for locating your site configuration files:


This contains configuration files for sites which are available but not necessarily enabled.

This directory contains site files which are enabled.

As with the conf.d directory each configuration file in the sites-enabled directory is loaded when the server starts - whilst the files in sites-available are completely ignored.

You are expected to create your host configuration files in /etc/apache2/sites-available, then create a symbolic link to those files in the sites-enabled directory - this will cause them to be actually loaded/read.

Rather than actually messing around with symbolic links the Debian package includes two utility commands a2ensite and a2dissite which will do the necessary work for you as we will demonstrate shortly.

Lets start with a real example. Create /etc/apache2/sites-available/ with the following contents:

# (/etc/apache2/sites-available/


# Indexes + Directory Root.
DirectoryIndex index.html
DocumentRoot /home/www/

# CGI Directory
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/

Options +ExecCGI

# Logfiles
ErrorLog /home/www/
CustomLog /home/www/ combined

Next create the file

# (/etc/apache2/sites-available/


# Indexes + Directory Root.
DirectoryIndex index.html
DocumentRoot /home/www/

# CGI Directory
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/

Options +ExecCGI

# Logfiles
ErrorLog /home/www/
CustomLog /home/www/ combined

Finally create the file

# (/etc/apache2/sites-available/


# Indexes + Directory Root.
DirectoryIndex index.html
DocumentRoot /home/www/

# CGI Directory
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/

Options +ExecCGI

# Logfiles
ErrorLog /home/www/
CustomLog /home/www/ combined

Now we've got:

* Three directories which can be used to contain our content.
* Three directories which can be used to contain our logfiles.
* Three directories which can be used to contain our dynamic CGI scripts.
* Three configuration files which are being ignored by Apache.

To enable the sites simply run:

root@irony:~# a2ensite
Site installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 reload to enable.

root@irony:~# a2ensite
Site installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 reload to enable.

root@irony:~# a2ensite
Site installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 reload to enable.

This will now create the symbolic links so that /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, etc, now exist and will be read.

Once we've finished our setup we can restart, or reload, the webserver as the output above instructed us to do with:

root@irony:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Reloading web server config...done.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Download Manager Untuk Ubuntu - FatRat

fatrat linux download manager

FatRat is the big brother of SlimRat (or is it fat brother?) which we previously covered HERE. So what is it? Well, it's an open source download manager for Linux but not an ordinary one. Read on!

FatRat comes with many very interesting options. For one, it can download from HTTP(S)/FTP, RapidShare free and even YouTube. But FatRat can also download torrents, (it has BitTorrent support) has RSS feed support + special functions for TV shows and podcasts, support for SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies and even remote control via Jabber and a web interface and of course, a scheduler. FatRat has way to many options to list them here so check it out for yourself by installing FatRat (instructions further down).

fatrat webui
(FatRat WebUI)

The RapidShare support doesn't just include downloads, but also verifying links, decoding links and exract files from a folder.

fatrat download dialog

FatRat also comes with plugin support and for now there are 3 plugins available: integration with - easy subtitle searching, download and upload support and unpack or pipe RAR (and ZIP optionally) archives inside the application. You can check out these plugins, HERE.

I've seen lots of download managers for Linux, but I must say I am impressed by FatRat: it is very easy to use, lightweight and still has lots of really nice features.

Install the latest FatRat version in Ubuntu

FatRat is available in the Ubuntu official repositories, but that's not the latest version (not even in Lucid) so to be able to easily install the latest FatRat 1.2.0 in Ubuntu Karmic and Lucid, I've uploaded it to the WebUpd8 PPA.

To install FatRat, you must firstly add the PPA (note: make sure you check out the packages in the PPA first as there are some SVN packages there, such as VLC 1.1.0, etc.):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

And then install FatRat:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install fatrat

If you're not using Ubuntu, download FatRat from HERE.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to view hidden passwords without using any software.

You must have seen and used softwares which are capable to show all the passwords hidden behind Asterisks on a webpage but downloading,installing and using a software is always boring and time taking job so finding an another way will be beneficial.

Recently i came across a cool javascript that can show all the passwords hidden behind Asterisks what you need to do is to just simply copy and paste the javascript to the address bar and the hidden password will be shown to you.Isn’t this a cool and easy way to show and view hidden password rather than using a software.

First of all open up the webpage on which you wanna show the hidden passwords and then Just copy and paste the following JavaScript into the address bar of the browser and you are done.


After copying and pasting the JavaScript given above press the enter key and hidden passwords will be shown to you.

Following is the screenshot of hidden password that is shown the JavaScript given above.

Note : I have tested this javascript in IE,Firefox and Opera and it is working perfectly

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ubuntu LAMP Server Guide – Configure Apache, mySQL, and cgi-bin

By Sam Davis on Aug 21, 2007 filed under Featured, Guides, Tips, Ubuntu

Ubuntu LogoIn a previous post, I shared step-by-step instructions for setting up a Ubuntu LAMP (Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP) server on your local area network (LAN). I also showed how you could customize the server installation to include all of the niceties of Ubuntu’s Desktop GUI. If this installation was successful, you should be able to view the default site served by Apache (actually an index of the default site) using any machine on your LAN. Type the server’s IP address (or alias if you added the server to your /etc/hosts file) in your browser’s address bar or, if you are browsing on the server itself, type or localhost. If an error occurs, then you will have to edit the apache2.conf file to ensure that Apache can fully resolve the server’s name. Out of good measure you should do this anyway, even if everything seems to be working. Use your favorite text editing program (I use vi here) and open the file.
sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Add the following line somewhere:
ServerName localhost

and restart Apache.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

If the default site loads then you are ready to configure Apache to serve your own sites. This configuration process may not be familiar to you if someone else hosts your websites. Here I walk you through the necessary steps. Additionally, I show you how to install phpMyAdmin to administer mySQL databases and how to configure a cgi-bin directory to run CGI programs.

Step 1: Create a new Apache site

To create a new site, first create a directory where you want to keep files associated with this site. I like to keep sites in my home directory so (using my user name of sam) I create a /home/sam/public_html directory. The configuration files for all sites available to Apache are stored in the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ directory. Create a configuration file for your new site (here called zaphu) by copying the configuration file for the default site.
sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/zaphu

Open the new configuration file.
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/zaphu

You will notice that there is a lot of stuff between tags. You have to edit some of this. Change the DocumentRoot path to point to the newly created site directory.
DocumentRoot /home/sam/public_html

In a similar fashion, change one of the Directory directives (it looks something like this)

to be consistent with your site path.

After making these changes, disable the default site using the Apache disable site script.
sudo a2dissite default

Next, use the Apache enable site script to activate the new site.
sudo a2ensite zaphu

Finally, restart Apache.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Create a simple index.html file and save it in /home/sam/public_html/ to test your new site. Something simple like

Ubuntu Hardy Heron is Here

Browse (preferable on another machine) to your new site to test the configuration.
Step 2: Install phpmyadmin and create root mySQL user

In order to make mySQL database administration easy, many hosts provide phpMyAdmin. You can easily install this tool on your Ubuntu LAMP server too using the built in package management software. At the command prompt type
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin

You will have to insert the Ubuntu install CD to complete this installation. During the installation the script will ask which version of Apache to automatically configure. If you installed apache as per this previous post then select apache2 (with space bar) and continue. After the install completes, the phpMyAdmin script should be in the /usr/share/directory and (after restarting Apache; see above) it should resolve in your browser when you type localhost/phpmyadmin (or If it doesn’t, you must add the following alias and include to the bottom of the apache configuration file apache2.conf in /etc/apache2/.
Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin

You can log in by using root as your username and the root password configured during the mySQL installation (if you decided not to enter a mySQL password or were not prompted for a password then the password field is blank by default). Once logged on to phpMyAdmin, you can set a new root password by navigating to the privileges page, clicking the icon that looks like a pencil next to each root account (there may be more than one), and entering a password in the appropriate field of the page that loads.
Step 3: Configure a cgi-bin directory

Configuring Apache to allow CGI program execution is pretty easy. Create a directory to be used for CGI programs (here I create /home/sam/public_html/cgi-bin) and add the following to the site configuration file (again between the tags).
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/sam/public_html/cgi-bin/

Options ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl

The first line creates an alias that points to the directory in which CGI scripts are stored. The final line tells Apache that only files that end with the *.cgi and *.pl extensions should be considered CGI programs and executed.

Congratulations! Your new site is configured. It is worth mentioning that if you are going to be granting computers on the wide area network access to your new Ubuntu LAMP server, you should take some time to learn how to properly secure Apache. Check out these other sites for more information on configuring Apache under Ubuntu. Ubuntu Community, Apache2.2 Documentation

If you liked this guide, show support by leaving comments and visiting our sponsors.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Installing Joomla 1.5.X On Ubuntu

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Installing Joomla 1.5.X On Ubuntu

* Posted by ubun2Junky
* 19 May 2009

Creating professional looking web sites has greatly improved with the emerging number of CMS tools. CMS have come along way! CMS (Content Mangement System) allows a community or group of people to manage the content of a web site. This becomes a very powerful tool, as it empowers all members of the community to keep their data updated. The need to constantly place request to the web admin are over. Users can now manage their own piece of the pie!

I’ll go over the basic steps of installing and configuring Joomla.


* Install dependencies
* Download Joomla software
* Modify Permissions
* Install Joomla
* Install Dependencies

Like always we’ll need to install some pre-requisite software before we can even start. In order for Joomla to effectively work, we need to install the following software.

* Apache2
* PHP5
* VSFTP (Very Secure FTP)

Using terminal type the following:

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-mysql unzip

During the installation you will be prompted to enter a password for the ‘root’ user in MySQL. Pick any password and enter it. Remember the password since you are going to need to reference it later. In my example I’m going to use mysqlPass.

MySQL Password

Now we need to install VSFTPS. In order to have Joomla import and export files into the web server it’s going to need an FTP connection in order to accomplish that. We’re going to install VSFTP it’s a straight forward FTP daemon and easy to configure.

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

Now we need to configure VSFTP:

* sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

* Change ‘anonymous_enable = YES’ to ‘anonymous_enable = NO’

* Change ‘#local_enable = YES’ to ‘local_enable=YES‘(remove the # sign).

* Change ‘#write_enable = YES’ to ‘write_enable=YES‘(remove the # sign).
* Ensure that local_umask is uncommented and looks like ‘local_umask=077‘

Save your changes: [ctrl + X], Save Modified Buffer [Y], Press [Enter] to the default file name.

NOTE: To uncomment ensure that there is NO ‘#’ sign at the beginning of the line.

In order to be able access the FTP site we’re going to need to create a dedicated user that will be able to access the joomla site.

sudo useradd joomlaUser

sudo passwd joomlaUser

for our example we’re going to assign this password to be ftpPass

sudo mkdir /var/www/joomla

sudo ln -s /var/www/joomla /home/joomlaUser

Last dependency file that we’re going to configure will be php.ini

* sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

* We need to find ‘display_errors = On’ and change it to ‘display_errors = Off’

* Next we need to change ‘;session.save_path = /var/lib/php5‘ to ‘session.save_path = /var/lib/php5‘ (simply remove the ‘;’)

save your changes and exit.

Download Joomla Software

Now we’re ready to download Joomla. At the time of this writing, version 1.5.15 was the latest version. Please check for the latest version.

cd /var/www

sudo wget

sudo unzip -d /var/www/joomla

Modify Permissions

Now that we have Joomla downloaded and unzipped in the directory that we wish to use, we’ll need to modify permissions so that Joomla can write to it.

sudo chmod 777 -R /var/www/joomla

Install Joomla

Now we’re ready to actually start installing and configuring Joomla!

Before we start we’re going to restart all our services.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

If you’re using ubuntu server with command line like I am, you are going to need the ip address of your server so you can access the joomla web interface.


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:c9:86:84
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fec9:8684/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:46210 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:28816 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:59888493 (57.1 MB) TX bytes:2798305 (2.6 MB)
Interrupt:17 Base address:0×1400

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:85 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:85 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:6880 (6.7 KB) TX bytes:6880 (6.7 KB)

In my case I get something like the above. My ip address for my server is at

Open up a web browser and type in the following (of course substitute your IP address for mine!):


You should now see joomla’s installation site and it should be prompting you for the default language. Select your language and click on ‘next’.

Language Selection

Language Selection

The second screen should now run a diagnostics pre-installation test. The top window should have all YES and the bottom window should have all OFF if we did everything correctly. If everything looks like the below image select ‘next’.
Preinstallation Configuration

Preinstallation Configuration

The next screen simply shows you the GPL (General Public License). Once you’ve finished reading it select ‘next’.
General Public License

General Public License

We are now ready to enter our configuration information for our MySQL database into Joomla.

* Database type should be MySQL by default.

* Host name should be localhost unless you have a different machine hosting the database. Username should be root.

* Password should be the password you assigned root when you installed MySQL. I’m going to user mysqlPass.

Database name should be joomla. (You can assign any name you like, I just chose Joomla)
MySQL Configuration

MySQL Configuration

If everything is going well, we should be seeing the FTP configuration screen.

* Enable FTP file system layer should be YES

* FTP User should be joomlaUser

* FTP Password should be the password you assigned to the joomlaUser. I’m going to use ftpPass.

* Click on ‘Autofind FTP Path’ the ftp root path field should now be populated with ‘/var/www/joomla’

* At the bottom select YES for save FTP password.

FTP Configuration

FTP Configuration

We are now on the main configuration page. This is the last page before we finish!

* Site name is the name you want to call your web site. I choose ‘My Site‘

* Enter your email here to receive notifications for the super admin group

* The password you enter here is the password that you will later on have to use to enter the administration back end tool. I’m going to use joomlaPass

* Select Install sample data if you would like to include the sample data into your joomla installation. I would recommend this if this is your first time dealing with Joomla. Good way to see were everything goes.

Main Configuration

Main Configuration

If everything went alright we should now be at the finish. The warning you see on the right side means that we must remove the installation directory on joomla so we don’t accidently run the installation process once again.


To wrap things up we’ll remove the installation directory

Once again using terminal:

* sudo rm -r /var/www/joomla/installation

* We can now click on the top right button of the finish page where it says ‘Admin‘

* The new page should now be prompting us for a username and password. The default username is admin and the password is the password you set earlier. I’m going to use joomlaPass.

Backend Login

Backend Login

You are now ready to create and modify your very own Joomla site! To access the frontend of the site you can type in http://yourserverip/joomla


Monday, July 19, 2010

Bagaimana nak tambah user dalam VM Esxi

Adoh hai .. tu la kalau nak cepat x baca tapi terus nak buat .. pening benda x tentu pasal. Padahal benda tu senang je cam kat bawah ni.

How to replace root user with different user name with same privileges

Rate This

There are always two important things in credentials one is the user name and other is password. In ESX world root is default user name. So every knows at least one part of it. It is standard security concern raised by IT Risk. Let’s de-Risk it.

In Windows world it is standard practice rename administrator account and add other user in administrators group. That is exact method we are going to do. Create a user esx-admin and assign it same group as root and then delete root user.

Do not delete root user

So here are how to steps

  1. Login to esxi host directly using vi client
  2. Go to users & group as shown below
  3. image
  4. Create new user. In my case I took esx-admin name
  5. image
  6. Only fill up Login name, password and leave User name and UID blank which are optional. User name here is description that is it. Do not get confused with windows user creation style
  7. Add localadmin and root group under group membership and Press ok
  8. At this point you can access console i.e. DCUI using esx-admin user credentials but you cannot access vCenter
  9. To get it working, go provide at the root of esx host administrator permission to esx-admin
  10. image
  11. Last and important step, stop using Root user for doing any administration purpose for 1 month and then safely delete root user.
  12. Last and important step, stop using Root user for doing any administration purpose and use it only when VMsupport or other emergency case only.Do not delete it
  13. Store root credentials at some safe place.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Naper la aku guna VMWARE esxi ni ....

Author Details
Created: 2008-02-05
Modified: 2008-11-19
Article Content


You have not purchased VirtualCenter Server and you are unable to clone a Virtual Machine (VM) on a standalone ESX server using the VI Client.


Cloning is only available with VirtualCenter Server.


While VirtualCenter Server makes it very easy to clone a VM, it is possible to use command line utilities to simulate the “clone” process that the VirtualCenter Server uses. What follows is the basic procedure that will allow you to manually “clone” (copy) a VM to another directory, modify the configuration files to give the new copy a unique identity, then add the clone to the ESH server’s inventory as a new VM.


1) You have SSH or Console access to the ESX server.

2) You know the root admin password.


1) Create a source virtual machine and install the OS.

a. Prepare the OS as needed to be cloned.

2) Power off the source virtual machine

3) Make an SSH connection or login to the Console of the server.

a. If using SSH, use “SU --login” to gain root admin rights to the server.

4) Change to the VMFS location where the source machine is stored.

a. cd /vmfs/volumes/<lun_name>

b. > is the name of the storage on the ESX host.

5) Copy the source VM to the clone destination

a. cp –arp SourceFolder CloneFolder

b. SourceFolder is the name of the source VM that is to be cloned

c. CloneFolder is the name of the Clone VM you wish to create in VMWare.

d. Note: Adding “ &” at the end will put the command into background processing since it will take a while. This is handy if you want to do other things while you wait.

6) Wait for the copy to complete

7) Change to the CloneFolder

a. Cd CloneFolder

8) Rename the files to match the CloneFolder name

a. The folder name and file names should match and are case sensitive.

b. mv source-flat.vdmk CloneFolder-flat.vdmk

c. mv source.nvram CloneFolder.nvram

d. mv source.vdmk CloneFolder.vdmk

e. mv source.vmx CloneFolder.vmx

f. mv source.vmxf CloneFolder.vmxf

9) Delete the original VMSD file

a. rm source.vmsd

b. Normally this file is empty and will be re-created.

10) Edit CloneFolder.vmdk file

a. Remember that the file names are case sensitive.

b. Relpace “source-flat.vdmk” with “CloneFolder-flat.vdmk”

11) Edit CloneFolder.vmx

a. Replace the following 4 instances of the SourceFolder with CloneFolder. Remember that the file names are case sensitive

i. Nvram

ii. displayName

iii. extendedConfigFile

iv. scsi:0.fileName

b. Delete the line sched.swap.derivedName

i. This contains a vswp filename that will be recreated.

12) Open the VI Client and connect to the ESX server.

13) Browse to the datastore where the CloneFolder resides

14) Right Click the .VMX file in the CloneFolder

a. Select Add to Inventory

b. Type the display name of the server.

i. Click Next

c. Click Next on the Resource Pool selection

d. Click Finish

15) Power on the new Cloned VM

16) A window may appear or on the Summary tab you may see the following message.

a. msg.uuid.moved: The location of this virtual machine’s configuration file has changed since it was last powered on…

b. Select “Create”

c. Click OK

17) The clone is now completed.

18) Notes: If the MAC of the NIC is set to manual you will need to change it using the VI Client. If the NIC is configured to automatically select a MAC, it will be changed upon start up.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Install phpMyAdmin

Ini pon satu lagi kegemaran programmer. Aku pon install jika depa nak

caranya adalah dowload dari

Selepas itu masuk dalam webmin extract file tu dalam root apache

Config setup

cd phpMyAdmin
sudo mkdir config # create directory for saving
sudo chmod o+rw config # give it world writable permissions

sudo cp config/ # copy current configuration for editing
sudo chmod o+w config/ # give it world writable permissions

sudo mv config/ .         # move file to current directory
sudo chmod o-rw # remove world read and write permissions
sudo rm -rf config # remove not needed directory