Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Error Nagiosql (1) - PHP MySQL support (mysql or mysqli) not installed

I have been trying to install Nagiosql in my Ubuntu. I have already installed php-mysql, mysql, mysql-server and php. But still, when I open http: //localhost/nagiosql3/install/install.php from my browser to configure Nagiosql, it still says:

PHP MySQL support (mysql or mysqli) not installed

Php-mysql package is installed in my system.

Solution :-

It just restart apache

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Error Nagmin (2) - Incorrect administration username or password

Installing Nagmin module through webmin. When i click on "NagMIN Network Monitoring" under servers, i get mysql login screen, even though my mysql password is correct, it gives me an error like
Login failed : Incorrect administration username or password I tried changing mysql password, tried passwords, but still i am not getting nagmin page. I am 100% sure that my mysql password is correct.


go into the

a. module config for Nagmin
b. In the system configuration section put the username/password

Error Nagmin (1) - Version Issue

1. The Error (Error: version issue):
Some error found when your login webmin --> Server --> nagMIN Network Monitoring.
Error message:
The MySQL client program /usr/bin/mysql does not appear to be the correct version. Webmin only supports MySQL versions 3 and above. The command /usr/bin/mysql -V returned : /usr/bin/mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.22, for redhat-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 5.0 Suggested fix: open terminal and type

vi /usr/share/webmin/nagmin/index.cgi
find "distrib" and add "| 5" after 4 at same line
save and quit the vi.