Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to make logkeys autostart

Autorun at system start

sudo gedit /etc/init.d/logkeys-start

Paste this in there


sudo logkeys --start --us-keymap

and save it

Run this

sudo su


cd /etc/init.d/

update-rc.d logkeys-start defaults

chmod +x /etc/init.d/logkeys-start

reboot That's it

The log file will be the one that is at

sudo nano /var/log/logkeys.log

Friday, February 17, 2012

Installation Logkeys

1st need to install g++ if you haven't install it.
sudo apt-get install g++    # to install g++ on a Debian-based OS
sudo apt-get install build-essential # if previous command fails

Proceed with

$ tar xvzf logkeys-0.1.1a.tar.gz     # to extract the logkeys archive

$ cd logkeys
-0.1.1a/build # move to build directory to build there
../configure # invoke configure from parent directory
$ make
# make compiles what it needs to compile
( become superuser now ) # you need root to install in system dir
$ sudo su
$ make install
# installs binaries, manuals and scripts
How to

Create log file by default log file is /var/log/logkeys.log and is not readable by others.

You can set it anyway you like with the command --outputt

But before that you need to create the log file

$ touch /home/"you home directory"/Documents/test.log

Then run the logkeys :

$ logkeys --start -u --output /home/"you home directory"/Documents/test.log

The "-u" use for keymap to US-keymap

to test

$ tail /home/"your directory"/Documents/test.log

How to stop

$ logkeys --kill

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LKL Linux KeyLogger vs. logkeys

From Ubuntu Forum - by Fabrizio

Business case is: install a key logging utility on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).

Solution: Trying to address the business case I stumbled upon two different key logging utilities: LKL Linux KeyLogger and logkeys. Based upon my humble experience first one does not matches expectations, while the second one does it in full.

Scope of the article: share the experience with others which might have a similar business case.

Assumption: the lab system has an italian keyboard layout.

FIRST TRY: LKL Linux KeyLogger

- How to install?
sudo make install

- How to use?
sudo lkl -l -k /home/XYZ/Downloads/lkl/keymaps/it_km -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log
(apparently seems ok)

- now it has to start automatically at any reboot
cd /etc/init.d
sudo vi rc.local
add at the bottom "/usr/local/bin/lkl -l -k /home/XYZ/Downloads/lkl/keymaps/it_km -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log &"
(it starts but in the loggy.log file there is only garbage, I tried to remove the two keyboard mapping it_UP e it_ALT, but no way it does not log anything meaningful)

SECOND TRY: logkeys

- How to install?
gunzip logkeys-0.1.1a.tar.gz
tar xvf logkeys-0.1.1a.tar
cd logkeys-0.1.1a/
cd build/
('sudo apt-get install build-essential' if previous command fails)
sudo make install

- it is important to have the correct map file so download the file from their website

- How to use?
sudo logkeys -s -m /home/XYZ/Downloads/ -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log
sudo logkeys -k

- now it has to start automatically at boot time
cd /etc/init.d
sudo vi rc.local
add at the bottom "/usr/local/bin/logkeys -s -m /home/XYZ/Downloads/ -o /home/XYZ/loggy.log &"
(it starts and the loggy.log file is human readable, mission accomplished)

IMHO logkeys rules! ;o)



Saturday, February 4, 2012

Upgrade Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 then 10.04

You cannot skip versions between upgrades. The version between Jaunty and Lucid is Karmic. I suggest you do backup important data and do a complete reinstall as many things has changed, including the boot loader.

If you do not like a fresh install, you can upgrade using an Alternate CD.


  • Backup the system (if possible a disk image)
  • Backup your personal files (the home directory) so you can easily copy the files
  • Remove all PPA's and non-standard repositories, including their packages
  • Be prepared for failure, have a Live CD available so you can still boot even if the disk is dead

The upgrade using the alternate CD is described below:

  1. Download ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso from to your home directory (replace i386 with amd64 if you've a 64-bit system and ubuntu with kubuntu for KDE)
  2. Open a terminal and run:

    sudo mount -o loop ~/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom
  3. Start the upgrade by executing:

    gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"

    If you're using KDE (Kubuntu):

    kdesudo "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"
  4. Reboot

After this upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, proceed with the upgrade to 10.04 using:

sudo do-release-upgrade -d